Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sara June Goldstein

Sara June Goldstein is the Director of the Literary Arts program at the South Carolina Arts Commission. Besides being a good friend, she was a great co-worker during my time with the SCAC. Sara June is in charge of the SC Fiction Project and works with the SC Book Festival.

Allen Coleman

Allen Coleman is Director of the Pickens County Museum of Art and History in Pickens, SC. They do great work, including a monthly folklife festival that draws artists, locals, and tourist to this beautiful little town in the Upstate South Carolina.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer is a best selling author on sales, customer loyalty, and networking. His books include Customer Service is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless, The Sales Bible, and The Little Red Book of Selling. I would highly recommend his weekly e-zine titled "Sales Caffine." Jeffrey lives in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Walter Edgar

Walter Edgar of Columbia, SC is Professor of History at the University of South Carolina. He is known as the author of "South Carolina: A History" and editor of the "Encylopeadia of South Carolina," both published by the U of South Carolina Press.

Vennie Deas Moore

Vennie Deas Moore is a good friend of mine from Columbia, SC. She has done extensive research with Gullah communities along the South Carolina coast and is the author of "Home: Portraits from the Carolina Coast".

Stephen Criswell

Stephen Criswell is a Professor of English at the University of South Carolina at Lancaster. He's one of those educators students will remember for the rest of their lives because of his ability to engage the students with both insight and humor. He is currently editing a book on SC folklife for USC Press titled "South Carolina Welcomes Y'all."